CHART Feedback

CHART - Feedback

Use the link below to share your own feedback on the service provided by CHART:

CHART evaluation questionnaire

Positive Feedback from partner agencies

“I have worked with CHART since its introduction. I have also worked as a Consultant Psychiatrist for Mersey care in other parts of the footprint which do not have access to CHART. This is important because it is my repeated and ongoing experience and belief that CHART represents a real and significant advantage for service users in Sefton which is not available in other parts of the trust.

It has been my consistent experience that the staff from CHART go out of their way to be proactive and to assist service users. I have no doubt whatsoever that their intervention frequently reduces inpatient stay, and have seen very many examples. For those service users from Sefton we have a clear, simple, and practical method of seeking and receiving help with accommodation issues which makes a major difference. Not only do they assist with identifying accommodation for those who need it, but also with lots of other practical issues around accommodation. Some of these may seem trivial, such as a recent example of a service user not having keys to their property but for the Ward staff this is not a simple problem and a solution is reached much more quickly and smoothly with the help of CHART. There is a simple referral process and prompt reliable response.

When working as a community consultant I also had clear experience of their assistance in maintaining good mental health in service users and in reducing the likelihood of relapse.

I have always been a strong advocate for CHART. I have no doubt whatsoever that they bring added value to our service. I have seen that in my roles as a Community Consultant, a clinical director, and inpatient consultant, and is now as the lead for Assessment and Immediate Care. CHART is an integral and very important part of the multidisciplinary team.”
Dr L Stephen O’Brien FRCPsych, Consultant Psychiatrist
Assessment and Immediate Care Team

“Thank you for this positive update and your ongoing hard work to support this patients’ discharge.”
Lyndsey Kelly (Clinical Service Lead) Inpatient and Assessment Liverpool

“The CHART service provides the expertise essential to navigate through housing services and combines this with empathy and understanding of the specific needs of people with mental health problems. They are well integrated with local mental health services across Sefton and as such are a flexible and accessible service. Chart are an integral feature in the landscape of local mental health services and are often the crucial partners in facilitating hospital discharge or recovery in the community.”
Nathan Murphy
Acting Team Manager
Sefton and Kirkby Early Interventions in Psychosis Team

Comments from Service Users on Evaluation Forms

“Very good.”

“CHART were briliant, very helpful with all my needs. Thank- you.”

“Thank you for all your help”

“I am amazed with the time that it took for our problem to be sorted through CHART and we cannot put into words how grateful we are. Thank you”

“All the staff were very profesional. Great job, well done”

“I am very secure and happy in my new accommodation. Thanks”

“CHART helped my son and my family. They offered guidance, support and kindness and helped me to overcome a difficult dilema”

“Thank you for everything”

“CHART were very professional and had a very empathic and understanding attitude to my situation”

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