Community Housing and Re-enablement Team

Who we are

CHART comprises 4 members of staff. Collectively, the team has over 40 years of experience working within the housing and mental health field.


Neil Doolin

Mersey Care provide the team manager on a part time basis. A Mental Health Practitioner, who has in the past worked at the Homelessness Outreach Team in Liverpool and managed the Assertive Outreach Team in Sefton. Provides clinical supervision and promotes the work of the team throughout the Borough and take the lead with the future development strategy of the team.

Tenancy Support Worker

Emma Hooton

An experienced support worker with a background in homelessness, legal services and advocacy. Emma has a proven track record in helping vulnerable clients to resettle in the community and provides a vital tenancy support service, assisting people with all practical aspects of moving. 

Housing Coordinator

Karen Kay

A qualified housing practitioner with over 20 year experience in housing and mental health. She has previously worked as a live in “good neighbour” at a scheme for tenants with mental health issues. Karen works with people to resolve cases of mental distress due to housing related issues. 

Homelessness Officer

Colm Quinn

With a background in Homeless Outreach, hostel and housing management, Colm has previously set up a homeless project with Irish Community Care Merseyside and managed services in Toxteth and Huyton. He works closely with clients who are threatened with or experiencing homelessness and assists with the discharge of patients from hospital. 

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