Our Values

Our Values

We are proud of our values and you can expect them to be reflected in all of the services we provide.


With Crosby Housing people know who we are and where we are. We are a tangible, visible presence in the places and communities where we work, not some distant, corporate call centre.

We believe our services work because they are personal, dependent on clear, one-to-one relationships between residents, colleagues and partners.

And with Crosby Housing there is no buck passing. We face up to real situations as they arise, listening, responding and getting them sorted.


We recognise, encourage and celebrate difference. And operate with the grace and sensitivity to take risks and believe in the innate good nature of people.

Our systems and ways of working are tolerant and non-judgmental enough to recognise when any situation requires time and calm reflection to resolve it, for the mutual benefits of everyone involved.


We are driven by our need to get things done in practical, flexible, hands-on ways. We are always innovating and looking for new ways to do a lot with a little, rather  than just throwing money at any issues or needs.

And, proudly independent as we are, we also recognise the practical benefits of joining with other organisations as we need to, to improve things for Crosby Housing residents and the wider communities where we work.


We are here for the long haul. A permanent and reliable community based resource within Sefton. Our place defines us.

We are proud of our financial security, that we own our own offices and housing stock. And that in all of the ways we operate, we are building on the legacy of individually focused local service that has driven us since 1969.

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