Be aware of scam disrepair claims

Be aware of scam disrepair claims

Some companies may cold call you and say they will make a housing disrepair claim for you. They might promise quicker repairs or a lump sum of money.

These companies often target residents and advise people not to contact us or let us in to complete a repair. This can lead to longer repair times and out of pocket expenses.

We want to know if things go wrong so that we can resolve any issues quickly and improve our services.

What is a housing disrepair claim?

A housing disrepair claim is a type of legal case that involves a resident taking legal action against their landlord. This could be for failing to fix repairs to their home in a reasonable timeframe or failing to complete them at all.

If you go ahead with this, the company will give your claim to a solicitor, who will then handle the claim between yourself and us. They will usually charge a high fee for this.

We know it can be frustrating if you’re experiencing delays with your repair, but be aware there are downsides to disrepair claims. You might be told that the solicitor will handle everything, and this might seem easier, but you may face issues, including:

• Hidden costs – You may be asked to pay for an insurance policy, and may be responsible for solicitors fees and legal costs if your claim is not successful

• Fees if you change your mind – If you want to stop the process, you’ll usually have to pay for all the costs up to that point

• Time taken – Some cases can take years to resolve and can lead to court cases in some instances

• Breach of your tenancy agreement – If you pursue a disrepair claim these companies will usually advise you not to allow access to your landlord during that time. This would put you in breach of your tenancy agreement.

If you’re considering a disrepair claim, please talk to us first.  You can report repairs or make a complaint online, by phone, email, letter, via a representative or in person at any time.

How to respond to someone asking you to file a claim

If you think you’ve been targeted by a company, remember you’re always in control of the situation. You can:

• Ask for ID if someone knocks on your door

• Be cautious of suspicious texts, emails, and phone calls. Check to see if you recognise the name, email address or telephone number of the person contacting you. If you don't, block the number

• Be alert to anyone asking for money or your bank details

• Be wary of any links and attachments. Never enter your personal information, password, or bank details after clicking a link

• Contact the police if you don't feel safe.

• Seek independent advice.

For more information about claims management scams, visit the Housing Ombudsman - Claims Management Scams.

If you’re worried you have been a victim of a scam or fraud, contact Action Fraud at 0300 123 2040 or via their website Action Fraud.

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